How To Detox Your Body Naturally

How To Detox Your Body Naturally

Detox Your Body

Detoxification is a natural function of our body. No matter how healthy or unhealthy our daily routine may be, our body can always benefit from a break to properly recharge.
You can see a detox like an oil change on a car, it’s absolutely essential for the long term functioning of your car. Same thing goes for our body. Over time, our body gets run down from not-so-healthy foods, caffeine, alcohol, stress, toxins in our everyday environment, and unhealthy habits that sneak into our daily lives. A detox gives your body the time, space, and right conditions to restore balance and vitality once again. The human body is always working to detoxify the various organs of the body so they can function in the most effective way possible and ward off disease and infection.

Detoxification is one of the oldest and most effective healing methods known to man. Hippocrates, “the Father of Medicine,” Galen, Paracelsus and other great physicians throughout history prescribed detoxification. Cleansing has been helping heal people for over 20,000 years! 

Taking time to aid in this process can have both short and long term health benefits. Some of these benefits include a healing the body from illness, strengthening your immune system, radiant glowing skin, improved energy levels, assistance in weight loss, improved digestion and gut health, better mental clarity, balanced emotional health, and a general improvement in your quality of life. 

Causes of Toxins in Body

We are bombarded daily with toxins from our environment, processed foods, polluted water, stress, vaccines, medication, and unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and a sedentary life.
Our colon can get congested with undigested debris and bad bacteria thriving on it. So the colon is the first to clean out as we need to unblock the passage to remove toxic wastes. Then we need to allow time for the body to heal and remove waste. 


The smptoms listed below can give you an indication if you need to detox. If you experience two or more of those symptoms, you definitely are going to benefit from cleansing your system.
  • Tiredness, irritability, mood swings
  • Bloating, gas, constipation, bad breath
  • Aches and pains
  • Skin problems; acne, eczema, rashes
  • Difficulties losing weight, weight rebound
  • Food cravings, especially sugar and salt
  • Poor concentration, foggy mind
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Difficulties sleeping, waking up really tired

How to Get Rid of Toxins & Wastes From Your Body?

Nutritional Guidelines For Healing

  • Reduce sugar, refined foods and processed foods. For example, foods containing white processeds flour and refined sugar and artificial sugars. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and drugs.
  • Avoid exposure to unhealthy foods and chemicals: clean up the fridge, pantry and bathroom of all the foods containing pesticides, additives and toxic chemicals. Limit intake of dairy food as these can be clogging and draining on the digestive system. Avoid gluten grains as they may upset the stomach lining. Focus on whole foods, raw foods and life giving highly alkaline foods.
  • Try a Juice or Smoothie Cleanse: try this for a week. A cleanse is very effective for detox and weight loss (however the sugar can be a problematic therefore focus on less fruit and more vegetables. Green smoothies and freshly made juices and or soups only for one week, no solids. Add coconut oil and flax seeds to stimulate detox. Add apple cider vinegar for beneficial gut flora.
  • Break your fast: Start the morning with a ginger and lemon drink to stimulate digestion.
  • Organ support: herbal teas and specific herbs such as Dandelion root and leaf, St Mary’s thistle, Schisandra, Echinacea, Cleavers, Burdock (liver, kidney Hydrangea root, Marshmallow root, Uva Ursi, Horsetail, Parsley, Ginger root), lungs, skin and lymphatics (Burdock, Chamomile, Echinacea).
  • Spices to support detox process:  turmeric, garlic, chili powder, ginger, cardamom, clove, oregano and cinnamon.
  • Clean, filtered water:  it is essential to drink min 2 L of water daily, more if physically active to flush toxins and hydrate the cells.

Herbal, Superfood & Supplement Therapy

1. Alkalize The Body: 

1 tsp of superfood greens powder mixed with 12 oz water. Consists of the cold pressed juice of organic wheat and barley grass sprouts, freeze dried and powdered which are highly alkaline for our body.

2. Flush Out The Colon: 

In the evening take 1 tsp or 300 mg of ascorbic acid or potassium ascorbate (no additives) in 12 oz water every 15 minutes until you reach bowel tolerance.

Heavy Metal Detox

We are all exposed to chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. They come from foods we are eating containing pesticides and herbicides, the air we breathe, the cosmetics we put on our skin, and our surroundings we have at work and home.

The most common sources are amalgam dental fillings, vaccination, cookware (aluminium, copper), cans, cosmetics, esp deodorants, hair dyes, exposure to petrochemicals, lead paints, fabric softeners.

Heavy metals accumulation in our system leads to suppression of the immune system leading to decreased ability to fight parasites, yeasts, bad bacteria.

Most concerning are mercury, aluminium, lead and arsenic. Heavy metals exposure or consumption causes damage to the nervous system and causes overall chronic inflammation. Conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s, Multiple sclerosis, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, depression and insomnia result from it.

The Most Effective Ways To Chelate Heavy Metals:

  • Avoid: farmed fish, tuna, smoking, drinking tap water, food additives, environmental exposure, dental amalgams.
  • Increase good fats: especially omega 3 to strengthen the cells membranes and functioning. Chemicals and heavy metals get attached to the cell walls receptors sites. Once the membranes are repaired by more good fats and detoxifying the overall system, absorption and waste disposal improves.
  • Chlorella, Wheatgrass and Coriander: bind with chemicals and heavy metals to excrete them out of the body.
  • Increase intake of green vegetables, as they contain high amounts of highly available chlorophyll.
  • Zeolite: very effective for removal of mercury, lead, and cadmium.

Mind & Body


Walking without the shoes, discharging radiation from the body is crucial for a proper detoxification, less exposure to the computers and mobile phones. Switch off wi-fi at night time and when you are not using internet.

Daily Movement And Deep Breathing: 

Yoga, tai chi, Pilates, walking, biking, hiking, swimming, deep breathing, meditation. Exercise can really accelerate the elimination of those trapped fats and toxins. All of these activities help with sweating, lymphatic system activation, increase metabolism and improve oxygenation. Spend more time outside to get fresh air and connect with nature.

Additional Detox Therapies: 

Infrared sauna, foot baths, lymphatic massage, dry skin brushing, rebound trampoline, Epsom baths, essential oils, oil pulling, coffee enemas, Colon hydrotherapy, Magnesium citrate, Probiotics.