Black Lemonade Recipe: The Cleansing Drink That Is So Powerful, You Need To Be Careful When You Drink It

How to Detox Your Body, Black Lemonade Recipe, Dark Arts Elixir Recipe

How to Detox Your Body: Black Lemonade Recipe

In our world where toxins loom at every corner, there is an increasing need for a proper cleanse is far more significant than before. So, cleansing the body of toxins and chemicals is becoming more and more important as the air that we breathe and the food we eat is full of toxins. Having a proper cleanse will clean your body of toxins, improve the function of your gut, assist in the elimination of waste and boost your overall health.

If you want to keep the body clean and healthy, we need to eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy lifestyle which involves regular exercise and healthy habits. This actually means that we should drink plenty of water, avoid alcohol and sodas, stop smoking and avoid prescribed medications. Doing a good detox method has perpetual advantages and can improve your mental and physical health as well. Here you have the simple detox tips which will clean your body of toxins:
  • Limit the caffeine and alcohol consumption;
  • Ingest lots of water to keep your body hydrated;
  • Eat a diet that is based on fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • Consume some warm lemon water every morning on an empty stomach;
  • Use some natural personal care products.
  • Intake Himalayan salt and alka showers more often;
  • Exclude the dairy products, fat, refined sugar and wheat from your diet;
  • Always use dry brushing a couple of times per week
Besides these mentioned lifestyle changes, you should as well reduce your stress and learn how to relax. You can as well  try the black lemonade recipe we have for you below – it is actually so powerful that you need to be careful when drinking it!

This great detox beverage is called the DarkArts Elixir and contains activated charcoal, a very powerful toxin cleaner which can eliminate every last bit of poison in your body. The DarkArts Elixir as well contains ingredients such as Himalayan salt, purified water and lemon juice which gives it a serious taste. The beverage is quite powerful against any kind of toxin in the body and will surely provide positive effects.

The activated charcoal is the best thing you can give your body in cases of poisoning or toxic exposure. This kind of charcoal has small pockets on the surface which are able to suck in poisons and trap them inside. It has been used by doctors in order to get overdose patients on their feet, which clearly shows how powerful it is.

This kind of remedy needs to be taken for no more than 2 weeks – it will reduce the swelling in your body, eliminate the  toxins, improve the appearance of your skin and boost your overall health. Here’s how to prepare it:

Dark Arts Elixir Recipe


  • ¼ cup of organic maple syrup
  • ½ a glass of fresh lemon juice
  • Four cups of filtered water
  • One teaspoon of powdered activated charcoal
  • A pinch of Himalayan pink sea salt


  • First of all, squeeze some lemons in a glass first, then transfer the juice to a pitcher.
  • Then, add the other ingredients and stir well until everything’s combined. 
  • You can place this elixir in the fridge for up to 5 days. We are suggesting drinking a glass of the remedy an hour before breakfast and another one before dinner. 
  • You should shake well before consumption so the ingredients can mix.


You will need to follow the exact guidelines for the remedy as activated charcoal “overdosing” might cause some brain fog, acne, headaches and fatigue. The activated charcoal should not be consumed by pregnant women and people on some medication. We are suggesting consulting a doctor before starting with the remedy.

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