5 Ways to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect After Diet: Weight Loss

Ways to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect After Diet, Weight Loss yo-yo effect, What causes yo-yo effect , Stop Yo-Yo Dieting,  How to Prevent The Yo-Yo Effect After A Diet,

Yo-Yo Effect After Weight Loss

Regaining the lost weight after a strict diet can be a very big frustration because all your effort will be entirely lost.
But, this is not the main reason why you should try to prevent the yo-yo effect after a diet. Many researchers have shown that this effect is very harmful to your health. When you lose weight you mainly lose muscle mass and fat tissue, but when you regain the weight after a diet then you only return the fatty tissue, which can damage your health. It can increase your bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels, increase your blood pressure, damage your heart and so on.
Ways to Avoid the Yo-Yo Effect After Diet, Weight Loss yo-yo effect, What causes yo-yo effect , Stop Yo-Yo Dieting,  How to Prevent The Yo-Yo Effect After A Diet,

How to Prevent The Yo-Yo Effect After Weight Loss

Therefore, maintaining the body weight after a diet is just as important as its reduction. Here are some methods on how to prevent the yo-yo effect after a diet.

1. Don’t Eat Less, Eat Better

Many diets create the illusion that you can keep eating everything you want after the diet finishes, and still keep the ideal weight. However, if you want to lose weight and keep this weight off, then you will have to accept that you will not be able to eat certain things.
This doesn’t mean that you should stop eating any kind of food altogether. We wouldn’t want you to starve yourself. The goal is not to eat less, but to eat better. Eat healthy food and avoid foods don’t keep you satiated and you tend to overeat them. Eat enough protein and eat a lot of (leafy) vegetables, fruits, and legumes. These contain few calories and a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help you to lose weight.

2. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Eating breakfast is a good way to prevent gaining weight after a strict diet. The breakfast, which is based on whole grains, dairy products, and proteins, is an ideal base for the whole day. Also, this selection of substances allows you to successfully maintain weight, as it provides a lasting feeling of satiety.

3. Move Your Body

Physical activity is very important for maintaining your ideal body weight and preventing the yo-yo effect after a diet. Very little exercise and poor sleep are important causes of obesity. Therefore, make sure that you get a good night’s sleep and avoid too much sitting throughout the day.
Go outside more, watch less television, exercise regularly and move your body every day. The more the better. This is essential for your body and your health and helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Check Your Weight Regularly

Regular weight check will allow you to find that you have started to regain a little weight and you can react immediately. However, do not overdo it and spend half a day on a scale, it is enough to measure once a week.

5. Be Persistent

Over time, a healthy diet and physical activity will become your habit, and everything will become easier. When you finally get rid of the fat tissue, you start to burn more calories daily, even when you are not on a strict diet.