Speed Up Your Metabolism With These Simple Steps

How To Increase Your Metabolism, Best Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Rate, boost metabolism, foods to increase metabolism, weight loss

How To Increase Your Metabolism?

Although in a certain sense, you depend on your metabolism to keep you at a healthy weight, the truth is that the metabolism does not determine your weight by itself. Body weight depends on the number of calories input and number of calories burned. The problem with overweight occurs when you intake more calories than your body needs.

The metabolism actually determines the amount of energy (calories) your body needs on daily basis. About 70% of those calories are used for basic body functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, growth and restoration of cells etc. Additional 10% is used for digestion and absorption of food, and the rest (about 20%) serve to keep the body physically active. These means that the metabolism has a much bigger function in your organism than just regulating your body weight.

That’s why it is important to maintain your metabolism healthy. Here are some simple steps that can help you speed up your metabolism:
How To Increase Your Metabolism, Best Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Rate, boost metabolism, foods to increase metabolism, weight loss

Best Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Rate

1. Always Eat Breakfast

It’s a rule that you must respect if you want to speed up your metabolism and maintain its function properly. When you skip breakfast, you actually tell your body that you do not have access to food and it automatically slows down calorie burning. During the night, your body reduces the number of calories burned, and through breakfast, you simply boost your metabolism. When it comes to body weight, it is a well-known fact that people who eat breakfast maintain healthier body weight than people who skip breakfast.

2. Increase The Intake Of Fluids
When your organism has a lack of fluids, your metabolism will take much more time to burn calories or to lose weight in that matter. If you do not consume enough fluids, you can disrupt the balance in your body, which can lead to serious health problems. It is recommended that you drink more than 2 liters of fluids a day (this includes water, tea, and fresh juices).

3. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things to speed up your metabolism. No matter how much activity you do, sleep is your body’s way of recharging to power up for the next day. Your metabolism slows by about 10 percent during sleep, but functions like muscle growth and tissue repair occur almost exclusively while you are sleeping. In a way, your body takes all the energy (calories) you’ve consumed throughout the day to work on restoring it at night. It is recommended that you sleep 7-8 hours a day, and if you sleep less you are more inclined to gaining weight.

4. Wake Up Early Every Morning

Have you ever noticed that when you sleep until noon every day, you feel like your organism is not functioning right? This is because you have disrupted the function of your metabolism. The metabolism works like a clock, so you need to adjust your daily routine according to him. The energy that you will feel if you wake up earlier every morning will have beneficial effects on your health and metabolic processes.

5. Balance Your Diet

It is important that you have 5 meals during the day, 3 main and 2 snack meals. The distance between them should be more than 4 hours. The more often you eat smaller meals, the more you will speed up your metabolism. This is because the chewing, digestion, and absorption of food also help your metabolism to function properly. On the other hand in this way, you will give enough food to your organism to produce enough energy. At the same time, this will help you not to feel hungry, nor to feel very full which also helps you to have a healthy metabolism.

6. Increase Your Physical Activity

Any kind of physical activity is excellent for your metabolic processes to function properly. Whether you will choose running, walking or some cardio training, it is up to you to choose what suits you best. Aerobic and cardio exercises will help you speed up your metabolism and help you burn more calories. Weightlifting exercises will help you accelerate the metabolism in the long run because they create a muscle mass. You probably already know that the bigger the muscle mass of your body is, the healthier your metabolism will be.

7. Avoid Sitting For Too Long

If you spend most of your day in a sitting position, whether it’s at work or at home in front of a computer or TV, your metabolism will become slower. The same thing happens even if you regularly exercise. To avoid this and to boost your metabolism, when you must sit for a longer period try to get up every 20-30 minutes, take a walk around the room and stretch out.

8. Eat Only Organic Food

Smartly select the foods you consume every day. Avoid GMO foods, because there are full of additives that   can affect your metabolic processes and can seriously endanger your health. Only organic, homemade foods can help you speed up your metabolism and maintain it to function properly.

9. Provide The Necessary Vitamins And Minerals

It is important to take care of what kind of food you enter into your body. It is necessary that through your diet you provide your organism all the vitamins and minerals that guarantee it to function properly. This is especially important if you want to boost your metabolism.  The essential vitamins and minerals help to bring oxygen to the muscles, which in some ways can also help you improve your metabolism.

10. Intake More Proteins

In order for your body to digest the proteins, it needs 25% more energy. Theoretically, a meal that contains many proteins will help you speed up your metabolism more than a meal containing many carbohydrates (the two meals contain the same number of calories).

11. Drink Cold Water

Scientists found that drinking cold water could speed up the metabolic rate more than drinking water that is not so cold. The theory is that the energy that your body waists to heat cold water before it enters your organism is the reason for boosting your metabolism more.

12. Avoid Stress And Nervousness

When you are stressed and nervous, this affects the function of your digestive system, which, of course, leads to improper functioning of your metabolism. On the other hand, you may be one of those people who eat more when they are dealing with stress. As we talked about previously, consuming more food that your body actually needs, will disrupt your metabolic processes.